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XEP MATLAB Connector Notes


The XEP Radar Connector is an interface which allows MATLAB to interact with the X4 UWB radar remotely. From the Matlab perspective, outside of the initial setup, the functionality of this connector should act identical compared to the SensorLogic Linux XEP MATLAB Connector.

In the current version, streaming radar data is not supported. The vcom_xep_radar_connector connector supports a design where the user will request (poll) for data, and the particular server running will then produce a response message.

Firmware Update

The SLMX4 Firmware can be updated using the Insecure Firmware Update Guide.


The vcom_xep_radar_connector works on the SLMX4 hardware over USB; this NXP MIMXRT1062 micro-controller platform exposes USB as a virtual COM port.

On Windows, the device will show up in the ‘Device Manager’ under the ‘Ports (COM & LPT)’ category, with the label ‘Virtual Com Port’. The driver should automatically install and have an manufacturer id of ‘NXP’.

Minimal example on capturing a single radar frame:

r = vcom_xep_radar_connector('COM106');



For compatibility with existing scripts, there are two ways to access variable names. Many of the older CamelCase variables are still present, but there are now snake_case equivalents, along with some new ones unique to the XEP driver.

Old Name Updated Name Description Notes
DACMin dac_min minimum value of DAC sweep always set >= 0 and < dac_max
DACMax dac_max maximum value of DAC sweep always set <= 2047 and > dac_min
DACStep dac_step step size of DAC sweep step size exponent, 2^n, n = (0,1,2,or 3)
PPS pps number of pulses integrated per DAC step  
Iterations iterations number of sweep iterations to perform  
PRF prf_div pulse repetition frequency in Hertz * fex4’s PRF set is same as prf_div
  prf pulse repetition frequency in Hertz  
SamplingRate fs sampling rate in Hertz (23.328 GHz)  
SamplersPerFrame num_samples number of samples per frame  
  frame_length frame length in steps of 96 sampling bins  
RxWait rx_wait sets delay for frame_offset  
  tx_region radar center frequency, Tx3 = 7.29 GHz, Tx4 = 8.748 GHz  
  tx_power tx power level (0 = off, 1 = low, 2 = med, 3 = high)  
DownConvert ddc_en digital down conversion enable for IQ data  
  frame_offset frame offset position in meters according to rx_wait  
  frame_start frame start position in meters  
  frame_end frame end position in meters  
  unambiguous_range unambiguous range in meters based on PRF  
  ur unambiguous range in meters based on PRF same as unambiguous_range
  sweep_time calculated time need to a collect radar frame varies based on sweep settings and PRF

Provided Scripts


There is an included script called vcom_test.m. This provides a simple plot window of normalized radar data from the module.

Unit Test

There is an included script called unit_test.m. This is a test of the get and set functions for various adjustable radar settings.

It takes a minute or so to run. The output should look something like:

XEP set/get unit test
dac_min test ok? 1
dac_max test ok? 1
dac_step test ok? 1
iterations test ok? 1
pps test ok? 1
prf_div test ok? 1
frame_length test ok? 1
rx_wait test ok? 1
tx_region test ok? 1
tx_power test ok? 1
ddc_en test ok? 1

Timer Test

There is an included script called timer_test.m. This demonstrates how to use a Matlab timer to poll the radar at a governed framerate.

When the script is run, radar data is collected for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, the radar data is plotted where the x-axis represents the collection of radar frames, and the y-axis represents each radar frame. Distance increases downward along the y-axis, and the color intensity represents signal amplitude.

In the example run, a metal plate was waved towards and away from the radar throughout.